about me

I grew up in South-East Asia. Among other things, I spent the first 5 years of my life in northern Laos, close to the Chinese border, among the Akha women embroiderers. The same number of years were then spent studying design at ENSCI-les Ateliers in Paris. My work oscillates between the compulsive design of household items as a need to understand the world around me and a permanent reflection on the “necessity” of the designer's work and its relevance in a +2 degree world. Recently, I've become more familiar with the world of research, in both the social and hard sciences, where I find possible crossovers with my practice, probably to find an answer to my question: how can we achieve a design practice that considers the object in a logic of use rather than a logic of consumption?

nassimo.rousseau@ensci.com   -   +33 07 83 58 11 21   -   18 Rue de la forge Royale, Paris 75011   -   @nassimo_rousseau